
SaaS (Software as a Service) describes a web-based software system that allows users to connect and share information on a cloud-based app. The advantage of a SaaS service is that it can be free for the end user without needing an installation or an update on the customer’s end. Alternatively, if profit is the motive, it can be structured on a pay-as-you-go model. The server manager, the owner of the SaaS application, provides the hardware and software, as well as the appropriate service agreements, ensuring the app's security and all user data.

As a service offering, SaaS relies on being customer friendly and easy to navigate, according to UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) rules. Good SaaS will also have an automated data collection and workflow operation behind the scenes, enabling it to learn more about the customer or user every time they interact. The more information, the better able the SaaS is to accommodate user experiences and improve the service it offers. Other advantages include the ease with which you can ‘mobilize’ your workforce with easily accessible SaaS apps from any internet-connected device.

Where would you use a SaaS?

SaaS is in everything we use, from emails to PMS applications and workspaces like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. A SaaS requires an efficient design, so any relevant templating should be completed at the initial development level, along with the functional product design. If the product isn’t SaaS-friendly, it may fail to be adopted at all. 

Designing the interface should begin as soon as the initial product scoping is completed and continue as the product is developed, to test whether certain user features work or are better in principle than in reality.

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